Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Post-feminism is not all about sex.

I fell in love with what I saw
Behind your eyes.
Whether mirage or madness
This was our truth
I fell in love with your love.

Male, female, infant and ghost
you became all for me
A daily myriad of guises
To accompany my fickle taste
In human favour
But never did that distract
From your authentic flavour

Your face of harsh strokes and blush
Expressed beauty in lashes
and boldness of cheek
Evoking sanctity from parlour tricks
Like soil from a prostitute's door.
Your image demonstrated
This flawless deception
And I found use in illusion

Settling behind shadows of sin
I chose to weave myself within
Fractures of your autonomy and mine
Fitting no other form
than the reflection of your skin
Only to find that the woman within
Had a Magdalenous heart.

Gladly I fastened locks and chains
Around my wrists and loins
Throat and feet
I seduced your talons
Deep into flesh
Too tough to be made tender
Possessed is closer than gripped,
Closer than held
By sex too rough to render.

I had surrendered to love
A love that never called us to be captives
Yet I was locked within sated apathy.
So what was seen now as
Flaccid paralysis of purpose
Was merely exhaustion after
A lifetime of building walls to keep love out
and me in.

I created a door within these walls
You found it and blew it open
With each pull of a post coital cigarette
And what was seen now as
Flaccid paralysis of purpose
Was merely exhaustion after
A lifetime of building walls to keep love out
and me in.

With each display of dissatisfaction
at how i had become something other than man
I saw less of myself in this world and
more of an actor in the wings
waiting for his last call.

It was this change in vision
That released my spirit from slumber.
The poisoned apple in my throat
being removed,
I watched myself of an instance
both sleeping beauty and Prince.

Every hit to my solar plexus
from your misunderstandings of my person
Became Heimlich for every poison
you asked me to swallow.
I never learnt to say no
To either your pleasure or your pain
And with this I floated in static harmony
Until I turned my head
To see you frown in your sleep
And I realised you were waiting
for a prophecy with love at its core
But in truth, love is only in the present
That is a gift, nothing else.

You walked away
With a fortress in your chest
Laden with the same chains
I used to parade for you.
You've found yourself
and fallen in love
with you.

Continue to love you
For as long as you can swallow.
Until that day comes
when you ask of your vanity
Something larger than your self.
In that moment
Choose to surrender
to that which loves you the most.
Surrender to its actions
its demands
with no negotiation

I did this for your love
and at that time, I submitted.
I released myself from wanting
you, our beings never fitted.
Now I search no more for love
Even with you,
I admit it.
From that time on, instead
my dearest siren, I simply LIVE IT.

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