Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thanks for being a friend

I am sitting here

Calmly and quietly listening

As you tell me of how he left

How he sought your cold, armoured heart

And stripped away years of protective art

To reveal some vulnerable, luminous part

And scrub his sins clean with your sanguineous scars

But as you tell me

Of how he dissected that heart

I watch teardrops fall from your cheek like stars

And once again you are left alone in the dark

But the question i have is Why?

Why is my pussy feeling like this?

Why when you are bearing your soul

Is this pounding, drowning all that you’ve told

This throbbing, warm predatory pulse,

This beating, cheating, lack of repulse

To the 80 year old man with a twinkle in his eye

Or the biker who spits and then shits in your eye


Why is my pussy so, so hungry?

Gnawing it’s way onto the table between us

Dancing and singing, wishing you would just leave us

So that the guy, directly behind you

Flashing smiles at pussy and I to tease us

Can come to the beat of my drum

With his perfectly shaped penis!


Why is my pussy talking at all?

Since when did I become that Neanderthal?

Since when did I grow a beard

And stop thinking with my dick

And start thinking with the ring through which I


Slow, Steady

Are you sure she is ready?

Those months she wept

In cramps and stress

Then bled on the bed

And woke up in her own mess

Surely these labours allow outright claim

To this worldwide organ of cavernous fame

This treasure trove heralding G-spots to tame

And the infamous “find the clitoris” game

Can you imagine what she’d say

If you told her of that day

When you found out that without

All the bleeding and pain


After months of feeling nothing

Thinking it was as useful as guttering

Waiting for the impending spluttering

Thinking I should be screaming, not muttering

One day


One day

He fucked me and I saw my soul

I had an out of body experience through my arsehole

It was as if the world’s colours collided

Sweat caressed my neck

And dripped soft like dew

Turning my body, justly,

Into a sunrise view

The waves of my chest electrified

Attachment to the world was pushed aside

And i felt peace inside

And as I slowly became aware of his zephyr on my neck

And as sensation slowly returned to trembling legs

I slowly began to realise


But I sit here still,

Calmly and quietly

Trying desperately to hide

This pulsating anxiety.

So I pass you a tissue,

Tell you he is a bastard

Devise cunning ways to make his passion call you master.

And as tears find my shoulder

And each year I get older

I forget a little more of my passion

Until both our hearts are colder

And I forget what cupid told ya

And I just dry up, through lack of action.

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