Monday, October 10, 2011

Inside Me

Harajuku girl,
made of the most minuscule,
held by harlot scars.

Angel stood silent
whilst his band of thieves stole hearts,
and captured lust beats.

Slow sweat slid off skin.
Heat became the sweet, moist air
and unbalanced him.

Need fathered aching
as he watched himself unfurl
beyond Heaven's gates.

Snapshots in his mind
left him reels of negatives
that would develop

With each fall of breath,
their life dripped from lips to chin.
Such perfect distance.

She waited to speak,
surface poised in mercury-
like tension, waited.

His wings cocooned her,
as he searched for her in her.
She spoke of nothing.

Eyes could not see her.
She was lost to what she did.
She's under his skin.

Angel flew away.
With each breath he had fallen.
Now he flies alone.

Leaving him a gift
inside, her body soon changed.
They meet in clinic.

She remembers him,
but mentions not of longing,
when she takes her pills.

Corporeal waste
never becomes general
if it remains loved.

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